Dev Log Update 2 - Now actually a Dev Log!

Hello Everyone! - So apparently Dev logs are separate from the actual post item so that's a whoops on my part, So the first Dev Log is Update 1 post as seen on the main page - We'll probably go back and add it as a proper dev log in a bit, after finishing a few items.

 Anyhow the game expo is less than 48hrs away. Honestly kind of wish there was just a tad bit more time before it still, or more so I had more info about when I'm up within it, but ah well what can ya do.  

Anyhow, I figured I would talk about level design and what still left to be done with the project! First off a few screenshots!

- Here a look at the very first level! - It's pretty basic but it's to allow the player to be able to get used to the game first and see the basic enemies and types of objects. It basically a playground for you just to get used to the controls.   

- Here's a look at the level that introduces items. I kind of picked them both already but in general, green objects are useful items that will be stored as inventory items within, you'll see one of them within the next level for the hp power-up, but atm the one being displayed here is the big bullet which can pretty much take out any basic enemy you want! (if you can hit it, that is!) 


- Lastly, a little peek into the 2nd main level, Bunny Boulevard! This image here is basically to show that the amount of enemies does start to ramp up as the game progress which can both help as using the game bouncing mechanics you can cause larger damage chains with a tank, but also makes you have to keep rattlesnake safe by using your pistol and tank defensively, which you'll Definity need in the last level where it all comes together to face the Barron himself. ( i also just kind of wanted to show this because I liked what I did with the barrels sitting at the table as well in the background)

The main items that still need fixing are the following - 

1. Collision for the basic enemies is kind of wonky when it comes to the horizontal walls sometimes and is the main item still needing work for.

2. Cutscene images - I going to make a little sort of comic panels between the main gameplay scenes, Basic sort of panels for fun that look nice

3. Small Visual Bugs - There still a few animations that need tweaking in order to display them, mainly enemy shooting, and the player/boss hurt one needs work on them. As you can also see the HP bar is for some reason also not scaling into its slot properly atm, which is one of the main ones I want to fix. There are also extra visual effects if I have the time for me but the development of the game is planned to be cut off tonight, to leave room in case there are any sort of exporting issues.

Anyhow if there anyone who sees this I hope to see you at the game expo this Friday!

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